Season’s Greetings
The space where your good is waiting on you!
Your Past
Are you creating from the known energies of your past or are you forcused forward into the energy of the unknown, holding good thoughts, new thoughts and letting the universe bring you blessings from the unknown or your future!
My life is a gift. Those of you who know me are not surprised to hear me say that. However let me put more emphasis into it.
For real ... my life is a gift. And the reason why is because just a little less than a month ago I almost did not have a life to be grateful for. You see on November 15th I started my journey... My Spiritual Walk with Covid 19. And even though this sounds strange, my life is better for it. Covid is a spiritual experience.
I was almost two weeks into what I thought was the flu but turned out to be a steady decline into serious Covid symptoms. I am pretty sure I would not be here now if it had not been for the many miracles that happened just to get me to the hospital. Two of those miracles were my daughter Samantha Foggio and my dear friend Dana Norris. They banned together and took charge to make it happen. From inside the Covid mind you don't really see how bad off you are. For me I just kept telling everyone I would be fine if I could just get more rest. This as I was steadily losing the ability to breathe.
Another miracle happened once I got into the ambulance. The EMT said good news, we called the hospital and they said they would take you. I said what? It never occurred to me once I got into the ambulance that I would not have anyplace to go to get help.
Third miracle... On the second day I was there, the Physician's Assistant came in with a very solemn face ( I knew things were serious then) and said I was in a very challenged state however there was an experimental drug they were trying and if I could get into the program would I be interested. As she asked the question my mind was flooded with realizations of what if's all of a sudden. I needed to ask questions however my brain was tired. But I got out the question, "what would she recommend to a family member in my condition." She told me she would tell them to do it. I then just let spirit guide me and I said yes. Lucky for me I was accepted and I started on the experimental drug that day. I believe it was tantamount to my recovery. Miracle after miracle and this was just the beginning.
I will tell you more about my Spiritual journey and my many amazing mystical experiences next newsletter. This was certainly out of the unknown and it has changed my life. Stay tuned...