Systemic Constellations
What do we all want? No matter how it shows up or how different it looks for us as individuals, we all want to be happy, joyful and prosperous. We are compelled by a force greater than ourselves to seek to express these feelings and in the process move out whatever is blocking us from achieving peace.
Our blueprint for living and creating life comes from our family. If there are unresolved issues in our family situations, unconscious blocks that we hold can keep us stuck in these old dilemmas.
Systemic constellations reveal and transform embedded patterns that are otherwise very challenging to understand and change. Intellectually, we may recognize patterns of negative behaviors and destructive relationships, but in practice it can be extremely difficult to free ourselves from the ones that feel most unwanted. Through this process we become aware of the complex web of interconnection reaching into our present from generations past, and heal them.
Family constellations shows us the story the family doesn’t tell. These stories don’t get told because of fear, shame, guilt, or deep pain. These stories get passed on unknowingly from generation to generation changing the destiny of each. However, the true root of our spirit, love, the essence of the family soul wants to tell the story with compassion, forgiveness and light so healing can unfold.
Soul Essence Evolving is a unique constellations approach that can incorporate family constellations or heal from the perspective of Intelligent Love. It uses the energy of the “knowing field” or the Unified Field to reveal our path toward self-actualization and fulfillment. In this process the visible and invisible blocks we are struggling with can be revealed, pain can be understood and healed, steps to take to achieve your best life can be illuminated before your eyes.
The work is beneficial to everyone who participates. It reveals just how strongly we are connected to the higher energies and how beautifully we are connected to each other.
In your participating in the process whether for yourself or others, you will walk away with whatever you need to give you clarity in your own life.
Systemic Constellations work opens doors for you that can be and sometimes are hidden from your sight. This is work that you feel on all levels; mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually. Join us if you want to move to new levels of understanding about yourself and your world. You will walk away changed for your greatest good.

Soul Essence Evolving Constellations
Soul Essence Evolving Workshops
2nd and 4th Friday of the Month
Time: 7pm to 10pm
Check Calendar to confirm dates and to register.
Soul Essence Evolving, a system of Systemic Constellations developed by Deb reveals the inner landscape of our five bodies of consciousness and what role they play in how we create our lives. We are connected to Universal Mind, the higher energies that runs through all of life and the deep consciousness within us. Soul Essence Evolving Constellations utilizes the wisdom of Universal energy and truth to reveal in 3D how your soul moves in creating your life. Constellations are a unique blending of integrated body work, psychotherapy, and spiritual / truth principles. In this process the visible and invisible blocks we are struggling with can be revealed, pain can be understood and healed, and the feeling of being in flow with life, happy and prosperous can be experienced. If you experience an energy, you can consciously choose to align with it.
It is insightful work, experienced and felt by you in a process that touches the most sacred place within you. This allows you to see where unseen blocks and pushed down feelings have kept love from flowing freely in your life.
It brings a deep understanding and resolve on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. You will be moved and touched by how this work shows you the inner workings of your mind, body and spirit. It is a gentle and effective way of healing and growing beyond your current limitations.
After participating in the process, you will walk away with whatever you need to be more in flow and in peace in your own life. This is work that provides healing through insight and feeling in a gentle yet powerfully uniquely revealing experience.
Systemic Family Constellations
We are connected to our family through an energy of the Family Soul that exists through the ages. Our love for members of our family crosses over space and time. Sometimes out of a blind love for these beloveds, we take on the issues that challenged them that they did not get to complete. We do this unconsciously and it makes living our life very confusing and sometimes very painful. When we try to change our lives, often we are unsuccessful because we are unaware of these dynamics that affect every choice we make. The end result is that we move off of our path of destiny.
Systemic Family Constellations is a wonderful, amazing healing modality that reveals these hidden family bonds. It is a process that integrates body energies with spiritual and psychotherapy principles to heal what is out of balance in our lives and restore the family soul to a healed alignment.
For info or to schedule a session contact Deb at info@debfoggio.com or 248-702-7064