Today’s Power Thought for Prosperous Living!
I AM the culmination of the love, joy, power, prosperity, harmony and the authentic creative ability of God!
Who I am is the outcome of love in action. The Divine has made me so that I may express what is wonderful in the world. When I focus on this, my life evolves through blessing followed by blessing. And what is so wonderful about this is that I am experiencing joy in all things. I am joyful hugging my children, my friends, family. I am joyful paying bills. I am happy to have a job and work with others for they each are blessings to me in some way or another. I can trust that when I live this way harmony is guiding my life.
When I am focused on these truths, whatever happens in life, I will make the best of because I know that is my destiny. I am success. I love being who I am. I love what is different about me. I love what stands out about me. I love what is the thread that runs through all of humanity. I am a human being who has chosen to see God in all things. This makes me outstanding. I can see the truth and create from a deep well of talent and possibility within me. And I am happy with myself because I see the grace and good in every human being. Now love is in overflow in my life and I live in the overflow of prosperity. There is only good in my world no matter how it shows up. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. The best of God is reflected in me. And I AM sooooo grateful.
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I am Deb Foggio.
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