Today’s Power Thought for Prosperous Living!

My attitude is a joyous one that blesses me with abundance.

Many of my power thoughts have been focused on how we feel from the inside out. I’ve discussed Freedom being an inside job, Starting with a Clean Slate, discussed the fact that we have to decide if the Universe a Friendly place our hostile place. And if we decide that it's a Friendly place then it's a natural outflow that we believe that everything is going to work out for us and that everything is working in our favor.

Now we're going to talk about the Power of our Attitude because as my dad would say “attitude is everything.” So Today's Power Thought is all about having the right attitude.

Joy is an activator. It's a creative activator because it is the highest vibration that exists within the universe, so when we say that our attitude is joyful, what that means is from the inside out we are experiencing that divine feeling that comes when you know you have favor as it relates to God. You know that things are working out for you and you reflect that outwardly. So what does that mean?

When people see you you're always smiling. When you're smiling that impacts the way that they feel because smiling is a contagious thing. So people want what you have. That's what will happen. You're smiling. You look joyful and happy and wonderful in these times of challenge and change. You have a reset going on so they want what you have. They want a little piece of what you've got. Simply by the fact that you are smiling tells everything about you and it says that you have a joyful attitude that's bringing blessings to you. And of course what do we all want? We all want blessings. So hold on to that attitude. Smile your way through life! Let that joy reflect from the inside out and watch as things will then come from the outside into you… all the things that you want to manifest.

Discover gems like these and much more with me in my classes, LifePath Readings, Systemic Constellations, counseling and Life Coaching Programs. Learn how practical psychology combined with Spiritual truth helps you create your own Pathway to fulfillment in confidence, relationships, career, financial success and more. Call me at 248-702-7064 or go to Learn more. Create powerfully.

I am Deb Foggio.

Make sure to check out our classes and workshops from now until the end of the year. You can do real work to get these principles active in your life going into 2023!

Deb Foggio

Deb Foggio is an Life Design Specialist. She is a teacher of the creative process, Intuitive, Life Coach, Systemic Constellations Facilitator and Owner of THE CENTER FOR INTEGRATIVE WELL BEING


The Empowering Influence of Intuition


Today’s Power Thought for Prosperous Living!