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Today’s Power Thought for Prosperous Living!

“I am growing in power moment by moment, day by day.”

Each of us is endowed with a tremendous power… a power that can make momentous things happen in our lives.  The key -the secret, is this power must be activated into action by focus. 

The daily events and challenges of your life provide you opportunity to see just how powerful you are.  So, when things come up be joyful when you face them.  You are about to demonstrate through you heart-felt guided action you are a mover and shaker. 

When you do this, it is not just in your world.  Since we are all connected-your right action resonates through the world.   It might seem like the action you took was just in your world, but it in its way affects everyone.  Now that is an impact beyond your expectation.  Use your power, your expectation.  Use your power.  The more you do, the more confident and self-loving you become…you know you matter.

Take Divinely guided right action and you will improve your world and the world around you.  The Divine will make it count for more than you know.  Now that is focus and love in action. 

Discover gems like these and much more with me in my classes, LifePath Readings, Systemic Constellations, counseling and Life Coaching Programs. Learn how practical psychology combined with Spiritual truth helps you create your own Pathway to fulfillment in confidence, relationships, career, financial success, and more. Call me at 248-702-7064 or go to Learn more. Create powerfully.

I am Deb Foggio.