Today’s Power Thought for Prosperous Living!
I choose happiness, love and good will for all of today.
You must choose happiness. You see happiness is a choice. Happiness is a habit. It is a good habit to start the day declaring that you will be happy. That everything that comes into your energy, into your space will make your life better and bring you happiness.
By doing this, you are setting your compass for today…. The direction your perception will take as you observe everything you see. There is good in every situation. If you focus on what is good, you have the opportunity to see the big picture. This allows you to make the best decisions for yourself in that situation and beyond. If you focus on good, you are setting your creative mechanism on creating good. And that’s what you’ll receive. Then moment to moment more unexpected good will evolve. The more you notice the unexpected good, no matter how big or small, the more you magnetize more similar energy. Your positive attitude will expand, and you will become one of the happiest people around before you know it..
Discover gems like these and much more with me and my classes, counseling and Life Coaching Programs. Learn how practical psychology combined with Spiritual truth helps you create your own Pathway to financial success, and more. Call me at 248-702-7064 or go to Learn more. Create powerfully.
I am Deb Foggio.
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