Unexpected Gifts from Covid: Part III -Messages from the Divine on My Spiritual Journey with Covid
We start this installment 16 days into my journey. It started with what I thought was the flu and turned into an EMS ride to the hospital and being checked into ICU with Covid. All the while I still had no idea of just how sick I was. I did not even realize it when the Physician's Assistant suggested I get into the clinical trial for an experimental drug to treat my condition. Good thing though because I had a unshakeable belief that I would be healed. It was only two days before I was released that I had a conversation with the doctor about how much better I looked and sounded. He was happy because when I arrived he said "We did not think you were going to make it." What!!! I really was shocked. That was an eyeopener. However it did not change my resolve. I had never felt like I was on death's door. My time in the hospital had been a really profound experience of healing for me on all levels in particular, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
I know it was my spiritual body of consciousness that set the tone and made all the difference. Externally I had so many miracles happen in the course of being sick and getting help sent to me. This included getting to the hospital and all the help and assistance I got there. I met many angels in the flesh that touched my heart. The nurses, the nurses aids, the doctor, the administrators all were blessings. Of course they were working at beyond capacity meeting the needs of the many who were there due to the pandemic. Yet they continued to give and smile even when they were over tired and worn down. They were amazing. They worked really hard to keep me comfortable and comforted. I learned so much. You know people intrigue me so I had lots of questions and they had lots of answers. I enjoyed every conversation and every kindness. The nurses and nurses' aids took seriously the effort to make every shot and IV dosing pain free. Even the daily 3am bloodwork I had to have every day. I appreciated them being very conscientious. I am grateful for them all.
That 3am time became an opportunity I did not expect. Once they were complete with what they had to do, I was wide awake. So of course I took the time to do my daily meditations. I dragged a little the first day. But the body is an amazing vessel. I started to adapt pretty quickly. So 4 am became the magic hour. I had all the elements I needed to connect to Spirit. Being in the present moment, the dark and the quiet. While I was in there I had the most amazing meditations. I also had several unexpected visions that impacted me greatly. One that stands out the most happened on my 4th day there. I had the most detailed technicolor vision of a huge wolf. The vision unfolded through my eyes as if I was there. I was standing in a sacred forest that had giant trees all around. In this clearing I see a giant wolf who is looking at me eye to eye. He is walking very deliberately toward with a glare that pierced my soul. I could tell he was wise and ancient. His size was surprising but not scary. He had a dark face with some graying on his nose. I felt a reverence and respect for him. I also felt from him that I was loved. His visit was purposeful and I knew it. I just waited fixated on his glaze so he had my attention.
What he shared with me was that my time was not up. I had important things to do in my life and I was going to have the opportunity. It came over in such a way that felt no nonsense. I was to be focused with joy because this opportunity we have in life on this planet is amazing. Yet we must make the choice to live. Time for me to absorb the importance of that in a whole new way. Value who I AM and what I have to give. When I do that my new wisdom will make the path look more inviting even if there are perceived obstacles on the path. My trust in a Divine and perfect order would give me a calm confidence daily or even moment to moment. Of course these things apply to us all.
I came back to consciousness knowing something important had happened. The confirmation that I would survive and be healed just strengthened my belief I had already. However it really helps to know the game is rigged in your favor. :-)
This was not the only visit I received nor the only wisdom that was shared. In my next installment I will tell you all about that.