Today’s Power Thought for Prosperous Living
I give thanks for the rich increase of my good right now!
If you want to bring some prosperity to you, a new job, a new house, a great love, or more wealth, then thank God in advance of receiving it. Everything, all energy responds to praise. Praise everything you have now and you will get more. Praise draws and accumulates good. Praise and thanksgiving releases the spiritual power that dwells within you. It puts the universe to work in your behalf.
You are a magnificent creator. Your words are magical. When you speak a desire with focus and belief, it begins a process that is Divinely orchestrated to draw to you exactly what you want. Want a new house, praise the one you have. Want financial increase, praise it before it arrives.
Open to the ideas that come to you and then take inspired action to implement those ideas. You are starting a chain reaction of invisible creative energy being unleashed. All through the power of gratitude and thanksgiving.
Discover gems like these and much more with me and my Life Coaching Programs. Learn how practical psychology combined with Spiritual truth helps you create your own pathway to financial success, relationship bliss and peace of mind. Call me at 248-702-7064. Learn more. Create powerfully.
I am Deb Foggio.