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The Road to a Miracle is NOT a Straight Path

Miracles are abounding everywhere. You do a better job of seeing them when you are living consciously. That is not a prerequisite and thank goodness for that because we spend a better part of our lives rambling around from pillar to post before we even understand the concept of conscious. Miracles come in many shapes and sizes. Big miracles, tiny miracles, gargantuan… make your eyes bug miracles. However one thing that all miracles share in common is that they don’t just happen. And certainly the path of a miracle is not a straight line. Try loop d loop, over and through. That’s a better description.

If you are fortunate to be experiencing one or have in the past, what you are really seeing is the manifestation of an energy, action, event or situation that started as a seed or an idea or prayer that began leagues and leagues before its manifestation. You see miracles grow. They start small most of the time and well before anyone has any idea of how desperately or seriously or dramatically it is needed. It starts from an intention made long before anyone even knew it was required. One thing though that every miracle needs, one necessary ingredient is for it to come from the heart of whoever launched it. No matter when, no matter where, it must be generated as a heart felt desire. Then once expressed, it is released and most of the time, that moment is forgotten about by its creator, but not by the Universe, Infinite Intelligence, Divine Mind, God! And then the journey begins.

Now a miracle is not a small thing to manifest. Think of all the elements required for it to happen, to have a mind-blowing impact. Remember a miracle is an extraordinary thing out of the norm. So like a snowball rolling downhill it has to pick up things along the way. It has to be rolled off course to hit a mark that launches it into unknown territory allowing it to build up expectation in the minds of those who it will unknowingly impact.

Now let me blow your mind for a moment. It looks like the miracle is moving all around to get to you but the truth is you are the one who has to move. The path of the miracle is set at creation. The question is will you do the work necessary to intersect with it. You have to grow by being willing to learn new things, take on new perspectives about things, take action, and release what no longer works so you can grow and position yourself on the miracles directed path. There is no standing still if you want to get to that intersection. And what’s true is this is whether you are expecting the miracle or have no real clue it is coming. Then let’s not fail to remember the countless number of variables connected to you that play a part in the process. These are the people, events, decisions, their consequences and circumstances that have their parts in hitting their respective marks on the path. There will be ups and downs but you my friends hold the key. Be willing to do the work and never give up your focus on your desired outcome. As in all things of creation, the How of something happening is not your domain. Your job is to have faith that what you are seeking is seek you. After all, this is a Divine process and only God / The Divine can see the big picture. So of course all you are required to do is stay focused on the good of the desire/dream and the good feelings that dream will bring and as you do, know the rest will unfold in a Divine order.

What helps? A good imagination. A well written intention. Visualizing yourself receiving your miracle and feeling the feelings you would have if this was true. Living your life one day at a time, doing your best. Of course Patience. And when you hit some of those valley days, keeping your focus on the feelings of victory no matter what the present moment looks like. Your emotions are the fuel that move this amazing process forward. It is the glue that makes everything come together by magnetizing all the pieces to you. Your greatest work is to be consistent and only focus on things working lout for you. Pull all of these components together and that miracle, that seed planted oh so long ago will show up. If you think about it though just working for the miracle has brought you an amazing life better than the one you started with when you asked for a miracle. Hmmm……….Sounds win win to me.