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Today’s Power Thought for Prosperous Living!

“My mind is full of peace, poise and balance.”

If you want prosperity in your life, the foundation of every thought must be that everything that’s happening is for your good. It’s happening to bring prosperity and fulfillment to the forefront of your experience.  This way you won’t get stuck in the details of any challenges.  You will deal with them, but as you do, your subconscious, your spirit will automatically move you into the emotions of peace and calm.  You will meet every situation with faith, calmness and confidence. 

From this place you can make better decisions.  From this place you can see more clearly the matrix of what is underneath any activity, any event, any action.  And when it makes sense to you, you will peacefully choose actions that are loving and spirit filled. Form follows thought.  Anyone can have a positive thought when all is going well.  You stand in your power when you hold a positive thought no matter what your circumstances.

Discover gems like these and much more with me and my classes, counseling and Life Coaching Programs. Learn how practical psychology combined with Spiritual truth helps you create your own Pathway to happiness, financial success, and more. Call me at 248-702-7064 or go to Learn more. Create powerfully.

I am Deb Foggio.

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