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A Surprising Pathway to Healing and Wisdom: My Spiritual Journey with Covid

This is my final instalment about my very unexpected gifts that I received from my experience with Covid. It has turned out to be a unique PathWay to my healing physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. As I stated previously I realized when I was in the hospital that having Covid is a spiritual experience for everyone. Or maybe I should say a spiritual opportunity. You all know that I love the Creative Process. One very foundational truth of the Creative Process is that we are responsible for the creation of our life. Some would argue, who in their right mind would create having any kind of experience with Covid? Well it is your right mind, your higher mind that knows exactly what you need for your growth and expansion. It knows what experiences you need to discover the things you don't know that you don't know!

Even I, a teacher of the Creative Process, when I was in the hospital could not imagine why I would choose to have such an intense experience almost culminating in dying to learn things. I thought I was pretty present with my life, consciously knowing my blessings and my challenges. However as is the case with being a awakened creator, I sat with my thoughts about what I did not understand and of course spirit showed me why through quiet reflection (just being present in the now moment), meditation, prayer and reflective journaling. In the quiet moments where I just sat in my bed, no light, no sound, just shadows on the wall, the pieces of my life came up and came together to show me a perspective of things I either skipped over or could not see. It was like a huge puzzle being put together in a very satisfying way.

I accepted the truth with gratitude and it gave me a huge sense of peace and self-love. Then to give me validation that I absolutely was on the right path I had multiple deja vu experiences.

Months before my hospitalization I had dreamed images and conversations with people I did not know previously. These were deja vu experiences I had about my nurses or nurses' aides that were a big part of what was going on in my life at this time. Also I had deju vu visions of places in the hospital that I had never seen in my waking life before now.

When I initially had the dreams I did not understand them. They did not make sense to me. Why would they? I am an avid dream interpreter so this seemed strange. But I have learned to let things like that go because I know the wisdom will come at the right time and it did. When I had the flashbacks from the dreams, while still in the hospital, it confirmed I was exactly where I was supposed to be. Dreaming these things so far in advance of them happening proved this was not a random experience. This was pre-planned by Infinite Spirit.

This had happened in Divine and perfect order for me. It confirmed I was supposed to have this experience. The dreams were orchestrated to give me a peace in the midst of all of this. It allowed me to be secure enough, feel safe enough and be calm enough to look at it from the perspective of observer. This way I would get all the messages and bits of data and wisdom I was now ready to receive. All things that would make me a better person, spiritual being, teacher and creator.

I was ready to actively listen to the guidance and wisdom that came in direct messages spoken to me in the quiet. In a most loving and strong voice I was told these things.

First we are here to live. To have experiences based on what we find joyful and satisfying. You gain wisdom through experiences and there is no other way. As creators of our world, we are choosing how we want to learn the eternal lessons of life. We were born with this power to create and it is a great gift. We were meant to enjoy life! And we are too often missing the point.

The next message was this. "It is not that serious." We are here to learn to love and expand love our way. The process is rigged for our success but we have to remember to stop trying to control everything and just experience in flow the outcomes of our desires. Then from there take new actions based in the wisdom you have learned. All of this with a positive expectation that everything is working out for you.

Does this take faith? Absolutely. However when you are in the now moment, present, awake and aware, your intuition tells you everything is okay. Just breathe and wait and your next steps will be revealed. Also there is guidance and support for you in every moment. If you are confused just stop, breathe and ask for understanding. Does this take the application of spiritual practice. Yes. If you look around that wisdom is everywhere once you open your eyes. Books, songs, classes, the advice of wise elders. You just have to be open to receive it. Everything you need is right here for you when you have the right attitude. And that is just an openness to learn!

The next message was to love everyone. Love yourself first and then others. When you love yourself you will do what is necessary to become your best self. Then you are better prepared to love others. And if there is something that sticks in your craw and you are having a hard time loving and accepting others, forgive yourself first then forgive them. Do it until your heart opens. When you do the many, many opportunities of life will come to you to show you how amazing life can be when you love.

Finally listen to your heart and do what you feel passionate about. Don't look to others to validate how you are creating a heart-centered life. It is yours to do. When you do you will find you will impact the world in so many positive ways, you will be astounded. That is not why you do it. You do it because it is your love to give your way! That is when you are expressing the Divine truth of your own spirit. That is when LIFE IS GOOD. Remember the how of it is God's domain. Your job is to create the passions and desires of your heart in absolute faith, trust and love. You will grow prosperously into the Divine Being you were born to be.

I sit with these truths every day and they direct me now in all I do. I don't wait and over think things now. I take action. I feel grounded and connected all the time. Even if I don't understand why things are happening, I know I have access to an energy that does and all I have to do is ask for understanding.

I am grateful for my life and everything that has happened. I see the big picture with appreciation and a sense of being loved and this inspires me to take risks to live my passion. I hope you will do the same in your own way!

I can more richly hold a vision for everyone that their life is amazing just the way it is and they are starting to use their creative powers to build a life of bold Technicolor with a Dolby soundtrack. The trick of it all is to know...YOU CAN'T GET IT WRONG. You just keep having experiences and that is your job. Through this you will get to exactly where you are meant to be. And if you go down an unexpected path, instead of getting all twisted and bunched up inside, breathe and say with as much joy as you can muster, "I may not know how, but I do know this is all working out for me in unexpected ways." Because it is!!

With Much Love,

Deb Foggio