When you wake up in the morning, are you joyful…happy to be alive, full of positive expectations? When you look at yourself in the mirror do you like what you see? Does it make you smile? Or are there times when you look at yourself and all that comes to mind is a whole lot of self-criticism followed by a hollowness of deep emptiness or upset in the pit of your stomach. No matter who you are this is judgment and it is counter-productive.
I am going to tell you something that is just a fact. You are worthy because you were born. Do not confuse your circumstances with your surroundings. Who you are at your core is the unique expression of Infinite Spirit/God/Universal Mind. You are the product of the DNA of the Divine. You have all the talents and ability to create an amazing, prosperous life. It is in you. What you need most though is to consciously perceive yourself in this way. Do not let the vision someone else has of you become your vision. You are who you decide you are or who you are going to become. The raw material is perfect. It is up to you dare to do things that are honoring to the Creator who sees you as amazing.
Whatever you choose to do, however you decide to live your life, YOU ARE ENOUGH. When you wake up in the morning say that out loud and really feel it. Feel it in your heart. Breathe it in. Say I AM enough! Know that and you will draw to you all you need to make life a grand adventure, your way.
Discover gems like these and much more in my LifePath Readings, Counseling and Life Coaching Program Pathways to Inspired Living. Learn how practical psychology combined with Spiritual truth will help you create your own Pathway to financial success, relationship bliss and peace of mind. Call Deb at 248-702-7064 to discuss you best Pathway to an amazing life.